Along the Road to Embedded Systems Mastery

Along the Road to Embedded Systems Mastery

"Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason, mastery demands all of a person."

- Albert Einstein

Have been doing embedded systems development professionally for more than 10 years now, and before that I studied embedded systems at university level. Yet to this day I feel like a novice and it still seems like there is an abundance of things to learn.

Having traveled this far on the road to learning embedded systems it only seems logical to continue to see what is at the end of the road. And hopefully one day be able to say with confidence that I have made it to the goal, achieving mastery in something.

Finding My Way

Have actively been investigating resources that will help me stick to the road, do not want to get lost, neither distracted.

The most promising single resource I have found is the Embedded Systems Engineering Roadmap, from where the below picture is taken.

Getting Traction

The rules to get traction and keep me moving on the road are the following.

Consistency - Do something every single day to move at least one step forward.

Practice - Always mix theory with actual real projects. Real work allows for making mistakes which is what really makes the theory stick in the brain.

Mentorship - Get mentors that know more than me to help me grow faster. Also be a mentor myself. Explaining things to others forces you to process the information, causing a deeper understanding.

Write - Writing in your own words about what you are trying to learn is another valid way to really learn something. Will be actively blogging here on Hashnode because the platform seems great for writing technical articles.

Thank you for reading, until next time let's be awesome!

Credit to FutUndBeidl for the Maze Puzzle cover image.